Cellular automata, individual-based models, coupled-map lattices
Discrete Element Methods, particle-based methods, models for cell growth and bioreactors
Spatio-temporal modelling, individual-based modelling, population ecology, biodiversity metrics
Modeling of communicable disease dynamics for policymaking, health economics, control theory
Multiscale modelling, Agent-based modelling of intra and extracellular mechanics and chemical pathways
Non-uniform cellular automata, mathematical epidemiology, Python
Mathematical modelling of invasion and higher-order interactions in ecosystems
(Stochastic) dynamical systems on networks, mathematical epidemiology, opinion dynamics
Cellular automata, discrete dynamical systems, spatio-temporal modelling, Python
Mathematical Modelling of vector-borne diseases, infectious disease epidemiology
Agent-based modelling of multi-cellular systems
Development of a model-based tool for water management to improve fish migration in characteristic Flemish landscapes.
Ontwikkeling van een natuurbrandrisicokaart en ruimtelijk expliciet bosgroeimodel voor het boscomplex Steense Bossen, Nederland
A structured population model for dengue virus tranmission in the municipality of Cienfuegos, Cuba
Population ecology, metabolic ecology, ecological modelling, individual-based modelling, ODEs, Python, HPC